Explore the Fascinating Life of the Smallest Bird Species on the Planet


With a weight of only 1.6-2g and a body length of about 6cm, the Bee Hummingbird is the smallest bird species on the planet. Let's explore the fascinating life of this bird.

Scientifically named Mellisuga helenae, the Bee Hummingbird is primarily found in Cuba and most abundant on the Isla de la Juventud (the second-largest island in Cuba). To date, it is the smallest bird species on the planet, with each individual weighing only 1.6-2g and measuring 5-6cm long.

Like all other hummingbirds, the Bee Hummingbird flies very swiftly and strongly. According to scientific calculations, Mellisuga helenae has a wingbeat rate of up to 80 times per second, so fast that human eyes can only see its wings as a blur.


Moreover, this rapid wingbeat rate helps them maintain their position in the air like a helicopter.

Normally, male Bee Hummingbirds are smaller than females, but they have more beautiful body colors. However, both male and female birds have iridescent feather colors that appear to be gemstones.

In nature, the primary food of Bee Hummingbirds is nectar, but they sometimes eat other small insects. By inserting their pointed beak and tiny tongue into the flower, they can easily suck nectar while also pollinating the plant.


Calculations show that each Bee Hummingbird can visit up to 1,500 flowers per day to find food.

During the breeding season, Bee Hummingbirds mate and build small nests using the thumb of an adult human. Each time they lay two eggs the size of Dutch peas, which are white in color, and they incubate and raise their young themselves.

Here are some images of Bee Hummingbirds:



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