After her own eggs failed, an owl immediately adopts two rescue chicks upon meeting them


A wildlife artist in Britain captured on film the very moment when, seeing a pair of owlets in her nest, a tawny owl whose eggs had failed immediately adopts them with a cuddle and a clean.

Raptors are often some of the animal kingdom’s most devoted parents, spouses, and homemakers—and the video is a touching reminder of that.

Robert Fuller is one of the UK’s premier painters of wild creatures, and a devoted observer of their behavior.

His website contains blog articles written about the wildlife that visit his garden and the area around it, which includes several tawny owls who nest in boxes and hollows which Fuller has rigged with nest cams.


Over the years he has documented the relationship between Luna and Bomber, a tawny owl mating pair that have raised several owlets in his makeshift hollows.

Fuller has seen Bomber and Luna raise six owlets at once before, and rates them as highly devoted parents. Bomber, in particular, will attack anything that comes close to his nest.

“Not only did her eggs fail to hatch this year, but she also lost her clutch last year,” Fuller explains on his YouTube video. “Luna the tawny owl is finally a mom.”

Luna herself is a rescue owl, and her story therefore completes the circle in many ways.


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